AirVape: Testing, Testing

Apollo AirVape
AirVape: Testing, Testing AirVape: Testing, Testing
9 Quality Tests to ensure that our AirVape's are the Highest Quality Vaporizer

1. Altitude Simulation

This is a test for the Polymer Lithium Battery.  That this battery can be stored at a pressure of 11.6kPA or less and at least for 6 hours at a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Thermal Test

Test this loose-leaf vaporizer's cells and batteries are to be stored for at least six hours at a test temperature equal to 72+2,followed by storage for at least six hours at a test temperature equal to -40+2, the maximum time interval between test temperature extremes is 30 minutes, this procedure is to be repeated until 10 total cycles are complete.  After, which all test cells and batteries are to be stored for 24 hours at ambient temperature (20+5℃).

3. Vibration Test

Cells and batteries in our loose-leaf vapes are firmly secured to the platform of the vibration machine without distorting cells in such a manner as to faithfully transmit the vibration, the vibration shall be  a sinusoidal waveform with a logarithmic sweep between 7Hz and 200Hz and back to 7Hz traversed in 15 minutes, this cycle shall be repeated 12 times for a total of 3 hours for each of three mutually perpendicular mounting positions of the cell, one of the directions of vibration must be perpendicular to the terminal face.

4. Shock

Test the portable vaporizer's cells and batteries shall be secured to the testing machine by means of a rigid mount which will support all mounting surfaces of each test battery, each cell or battery shall be subjected to a halftone shock of peak acceleration of 150gn and pulse duration of 6 milliseconds, each cell and battery shall be subjected to three shocks in the position of the cell or battery for a total of 18 shocks.

5. External Short Circuit

The cell or battery in the AirVape to be tested shall be temperature stabilized so that its external case temperature reaches 55+2 and then the cell or battery shall be subjected to a short circuit condition with a total external resistance of less than 0.1 ohm at 55+2, this short circuit condition is continued for at least one hour after the cell or battery external case temperature has returned to 55+2. Cells and batteries of the vape pen meet this requirement if their external temperature does not exceed 170 and there is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire during the test and within six hours after the test.

6. Impact/Crush

Test procedure-Impact, the sample cell or component cell is to be placed on a flat smooth surface, A 15.8mm+0.1mm diameter at least 6cm long or the longest dimension of the cell, whichever is greater, Type 316 stainless sell bar is to be placed across the center of the sample .A9.1kg+0.1kg mass is to be dropped from a height of 61+2.5cm at the intersection of the bar and sample in a controlled manner using a near frictionless, vertical sliding track to channel with minimal drag on the falling mass.

The vertical track or channel used to guide the falling mass shall be oriented 90 degrees from the horizontal supporting surface, the test sample is to be impacted with its longitudinal axis parallel to the flat surface and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the 15.8mm+0.1mm diameter curved surface lying across the centre of the test sample AirVape, each sample is to e subjected to only a single impact test procedure-Crush, a cell or component cell is to be crushed between two flat surfaces.  The crushing is to be gradually with a speed of approximately 1.5cm/s at the first point of contact.

7. Overcharge

Loose-Leaf Vape tests are to be conducted at ambient temperature, the duration of the test shall be 24 hours, rechargeable batteries mer this requirement there is no disassembly and no fire during the test and within seven days after the test.

8. Forced Discharge

Each cell shall be forced discharged at ambient temperature by connection it in series with a 12V D.C.

Power supply at an initial current equal to the maximum discharge current specified by the manufacturer, the specified discharged current is to be obtained by connecting a resistive load of the appropriate size and rating in series with the test cell. Each cell shall be forced discharged for a time interval (in hours) equal to its rated capacity divided by the initial rest current (in ampere).

Primary or rechargeable cells meet this requirement if there is no disassemble and no fire during the test and within seven days after the test.

9. We Listen

We are inspired by our AirVapers on a daily basis, from the vaporizer testing feedback, the product is improved and finalized.  The support from our customer community is the reason we are so proud of the products we offer and produce.