Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid

Indica Vs. Sativa Vs. Hybrid - Which strain is the best for you?
Ever hear weed smokers discussing which strain is best? This Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid comparison will tell you everything you need to know. While both strains are suitable for recreational and medicinal purposes, they boast relatively different properties.
For one, the Sativa strain is known to get you a head high. Thanks to this, you will feel a stimulating effect that helps reduce anxiety or stress. The Sativa high also enhances focus and creativity. Indica, on the other hand, delivers full-body effects – increasing relaxation and aiding with sleep, as it tackles insomnia.
Best vaporizer for Indica
Best vaporizer for Sativa
The Hybrid strain combines a mix of both – offering versatile effects. Nonetheless, this is not all there is to know about cannabis strains. This in-depth Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid comparison breaks down each stain to give you an even better understanding – so you can make an informed decision when choosing the best strain for you.
The Strains In-Brief
Before, most cannabis users would pay close attention to the type of strain they used. However, in recent years, much of this has changed. In addition to carefully considering the strain type, people also focus on the description of the grower and dispensary.
When you think of the three strains, this is the direction to take:
● Indica
- It gives you a body high
- Relieves pain (especially muscle pain)
- Reduces nausea
- Enhances appetite
- Eliminates symptoms of insomnia and loss of sleep
- Reduces anxiety
The Indica strain works best for users who want to relax and doze off as they enjoy a movie or snack.
● Sativa
- Giving you a head high
- Reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Relieving headaches
- Decreasing nausea
- Improving appetite
- Enhancing focus and concentration
The Sativa strain is perfect for those who want to concentrate and focus since it allows you to be more creative and active. As a result, it is a popular option for physical and creative activities and even social gatherings.
● Hybrid
The hybrid strain combines those strains that are not considered Indica or Sativa. These strains may exhibit characteristics of Sativa, Indica or have a more balanced finish.
The Indica Strain In-Detail
The Indica cannabis strain comes from the shorter, bushy cannabis plants. Such plants typically grow in slightly cooler climates than other plants. As a result, the plants feature a short and stocky build with shaggy and chunky leaves that extend widely and broadly.
Compared to Sativa, Indica grows faster and produces more buds. Additionally, Indica buds tend to be denser than Sativa. Generally, Indica weed plants are native to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Turkey – as they have adapted to the harsher, drier, and turbulent climate.
Since the strain is known to give you a body high, many active users prefer to enjoy it during the nighttime.
You can use the strain as a sleep aid or a nightcap while watching a movie or reading a book. Indica tends to have higher CBD and THC content. The higher CBD content is why it can offer an intense body high while providing therapeutic effects such as relaxation, pain relief, nausea reduction, and increasing appetite.
Popular Indica strains include the Hindu Kush, Afghan Kush, Bubba Kush, Blue Cheese, Northern Lights, and Granddaddy Purple. However, it is also important to note that these strains grow better in favorable environments. Thus, while it may be the same, a strain type may grow better in conditions A than in conditions B.
Why Use Indica Strains?
As mentioned above, people opt for different strains to get varying effects. Each strain boasts its unique characteristics. Some of the reasons why people opt for Indica strains include:
- It gives you a body high
- Relieves pain (especially muscle pain)
- Reduces nausea
- Enhances appetite
- Eliminates symptoms of insomnia and loss of sleep
- Reduces anxiety
As evident from the list above, Indica offers a high along with impressive therapeutic properties. The properties of Indica are associated with its higher CBD levels compared to those of Sativa. Therefore, Indica strains contain a balanced amount of THC and CBD.
The Sativa Strain In-Detail
On the other hand, the Sativa cannabis strain comes from taller and thinner cannabis plants. The plants can grow up to 12 feet tall and boast protruding finger-like leaves. The leaves feature a light green color. Compared to Indica plants, Sativa plants take a little longer to mature.
Popular locations for the natural growth of Sativa plants include Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, and some parts of Western Asia. These plants grow naturally in warm and tropical climates with high humidity. However, this is not to say that they can’t grow in alternative conditions. After all, many weed growers have resorted to using indoor growing facilities.
These types of strains are favored for morning and mid-day use due to their effects.
In fact, Sativa strains are popular among users who plan to be active or engage in a creative process. Compared to Indica plants, Sativa plants have lower CBD and THC content. Due to this nature, Sativa strains produce a head high rather than a body high.
The effects are rather energizing and anxiety-reducing instead of relaxing and laziness.
These effects allow you to become more productive, focused, and creative. However, we recommend not to take Sativa strains during the night as their effects can induce insomnia. Popular Sativa strains include Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, Sour Diesel, Green Crack, Jack Herer, and Durban Poison.
Why Use Sativa Strains?
Unlike Indica, Sativa strains have unique properties and characteristics to cater to different needs. Among the common features of Sativa strains include:
- Giving you a head high
- Reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Relieving headaches
- Decreasing nausea
- Improving appetite
- Enhancing focus and concentration
Although Sativa contains relatively low amounts of THC and CBD compared to Indica strains, its CBD levels are even lower than THC.
The Hybrid Strain In-Detail
Hybrid strains are in-between Sativa and Indica strains. The Indica strain is for a cozy and relaxing session indoors, while the Sativa strain is for when you want to get your hands dirty – whether you are creative or active. Now, the hybrid strains end up somewhere in the middle.
One can't say that the Sativa strain is of better quality than the Indica strain, or vice versa. However, as cannabis knowledge becomes mainstream, the strain type is no longer critical to experienced weed users. Besides the characteristic differences, what's essential for someone looking to buy cannabis is to focus on the grower.
Experienced users consider the grower since different growers employ varying tactics to produce the best quality weed. In fact, even if you talk to a seller, throwing words such as Indica, Sativa, and hybrids will most likely give them an understanding of the type of weed you want – making it easier for them to choose for you.
So, if you say you want the Indica strain, you want to relax, calm down – the vendor will look for the best quality weed to give you these effects.
Characteristics Of The Hybrid Strain
Unlike the Sativa and Indica strains, the hybrid strain doesn’t have standard go-to characteristics. Nevertheless, these strains are the most extensive type of cannabis available on the market. After all, each year, growers experiment with different strains to produce new and unique ones – collectively known as hybrid strains.
Mixing up a combination of different parent cannabis plants produces hybrid strains. Typically, these fusions include a mix of Sativa and Indica. In other cases, you may find strains that combine more than two separate strains.
The purpose of hybrid strains isn't just to produce another strain of cannabis. But, instead, they are developed to target specific effects - whether it’s to reduce anxiety or ease symptoms of chemotherapy.
Unlike the Sativa or Indica strains, hybrid strains don't have specific geographical or climate conditions favorable to them. These strains are typically grown on farms and in greenhouses.
Similarly, their physical appearance and physiological characteristics are dependent on their parent plant combination. While this may not always be the case, usually, hybrid strains are grown to increase their THC percentage. However, every hybrid has its unique ratio of the two cannabinoids, i.e., THC and CBD.
Additionally, the time of use also varies based on the predominant characteristics you are looking for. For example, some hybrid strains are ideal for the daytime, while others are better suited for nighttime use.
Hybrid strains feature three key classifications, i.e., Indica-dominant, Sativa-dominant, and balanced.
Popular hybrid strains are:
- Pineapple Express,
- Fire OG,
- Train Wreck,
- OG Kush,
- AK-47,
- Blue Dream.
Why Use Hybrid Strains?
Typically, people choose to go for hybrid strains when they are looking for specific effects. As mentioned above, different combinations of strains boast a variety of effects.
Identify Your Needs To Make A Choice Of Strains
There are several things to keep in mind when choosing the type of strain you want. Some of the critical factors to remember include:
● Effects You Want To Get
The first thing you have to think about when choosing between the three strains is what you intend to achieve. As mentioned above, different strains deliver different effects. For example, Sativa gives you a head high, while Indica gives you a body high.
On the other hand, a hybrid strain meets you in the middle based on what you want to achieve. You can even discuss your needs with the seller, so they can recommend the perfect strain if you wish to relieve your anxiety or muscle pain.
● Figure Out Your Tolerance and Know The Potency
Even though they may be the same type of strain, e.g., different Indica strains, they will have different potency levels in terms of THC percentage. This is because you want to understand your tolerance in addition to the potency of the cannabinoids.
For instance, strains such as Pineapple Express are considered a mild and tolerable strain amongst weed users. However, if you are a new user, you don’t want to opt for strains with a high cannabinoids percentage. Ask your weed seller for advice so they can guide you to the right strain!
● Know Your Medical State
Cannabis is a natural product that is considered to be safe amongst all users. However, you still want to take precautions before using cannabis since it still interacts with several medications.
Therefore, if you are on prescribed medication, cannabis could react with the medicines you take. The best approach is to consult your physician first to ensure you are not at risk before using cannabis.
● Choose The Right Grower
Even after deciding the type of strain to go for, you still want to identify the right grower. A grower’s methodology and care for their plants impact the quality of your weed. Additionally, the potency of terpenes and cannabinoids within the cannabis strain you opt for dramatically varies based on the grower.
Each grower is unique to the other based on their growing conditions, parent plants, and even their care. For example, have you heard how experienced weed smokers discuss good quality weed? According to them, good weed shouldn't have too many seeds. Instead, it should have a healthy bud.
Plants with healthy buds and no seeds tend to be female ones, despite the strain type. So, the next time you shop for your cannabis, look out for the seeds. However, this is not the only feature to look out for when choosing your weed. There are many other vital characteristics to look for, whether you want the Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid strain.
How Much THC And CBD Are You Looking For?
The Sativa strain contains a higher THC to CBD ratio, while the Indica strain contains a higher CBD to THC level. The hybrid strain has a varying THC to CBD ratio based on the strains used to produce it.
For example, if you used a Sativa to Indica combination with more Sativa effects, it is more likely that the hybrid strain will have a higher THC to CBD ratio and vice versa. In other cases, you may find a hybrid strain with a balanced THC to CBD ratio – again based on the parent plant combination.
Different types of strains have varying cannabinoid ratios. However, to understand these concepts, you must first know what we mean when we talk about cannabinoids. The cannabis plant incorporates dozens of chemical compounds. Of the nearly 500 compounds, only about 66 are known as cannabinoids.
Read more here:
Which Marijuana Compound Is More Beneficial: THC or CBD
What Are Cannabinoids?
The cannabinoid compounds in the cannabis plant are responsible for delivering their effects, whether positive or negative. The most commonly known cannabinoids in the cannabis plant include the psychoactive THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). In fact, CBD makes up about 40% of the plants’ resin extract, depending on the strain.
Other lesser-known cannabinoids include Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabichromene (CBC), Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabidiol (CBDL), Cannabicyclol (CBL), Cannabielsoin (CBE), and Cannabidiol (CBT).
Cannabinoids function by interacting with specific surface cellular receptors found in the endocannabinoid system in the body. The receptors are typically in the central nervous system and include two key ones known as CB1 and CB2.
Thus, when you use cannabis, the effects you get from the cannabinoids depend on the brain area involved. For example, the limbic system alters memory and cognition. On the other hand, the mesolimbic pathway affects pleasure and pain perception.
What differentiates the varying types of cannabinoids is their level of psychoactivity. THC is the most dominant one. Compounds such as CBD, CBC, and CBG are not psychoactive agents. CBN and CBDL are less potent psychoactive agents. CBD is known to be the most abundant cannabinoid as it boasts impressive anti-anxiety effects and helps to counter the effects of THC.
CBN forms when THC is exposed to air and becomes oxidized – making it less potent. This mechanism explains why, when left unused for an extended period in the open, cannabis tends to be less potent when you smoke it as the CBN to THC ratio increases.
Now, let’s focus on individual cannabinoids;
The primary psychoactive agent in the cannabis plant, THC, is responsible for getting you high (state of euphoria) when you ingest or smoke cannabis. As a result, many weed growers choose to produce hybrid strains to curate the THC potency in their strains.
CBD is the non-impairing cannabinoid responsible for delivering the therapeutic and medicinal effects of cannabis. CBD doesn't cause a high. Instead, it offers benefits such as pain relief, anxiety relief, nausea relief, migraine relief, and even preventing seizures.
Unbeknownst to many people, CBD is not the only compound that offers therapeutic effects in the cannabis plant. Cannabinol also has its own properties – particularly for the central nervous system. For example, CBN eases symptoms associated with neurological symptoms such as epilepsy, seizures, and muscle stiffness.
The only similarities between THCA and THC are their near resemblance of the names. However, THCA is not at all psychoactive. Amongst the benefits of THCA include reducing autoimmune and arthritic inflammation and reducing the symptoms of ALS.
Cannabigerol boasts its own therapeutic effects as well. These include anxiety relief and tackling symptoms of depression, PTSD, and OCD.
How Do Chemovars Affect THC and CBD Ratio?
In addition to the cannabinoids in each strain, you have to familiarize yourself with chemovars or chemical varieties. While you can generally distinguish the THC and CBD ratio amongst the three strains, many cannabis sellers are slowly moving away from Indica, Sativa, and hybrid classifications alone.
Instead, they classify their cannabis based on the THC and CBD ratio, using a term known as chemovars.
You can distinguish chemovars into three main categories, i.e., Type I, Type II, and Type III.
- Type 1 chemovars refer to strains with a high THC ratio
- Type II chemovars refer to strains with a balanced THC and CBD ratio
- Type III chemovars refer to strains with a high CBD to THC ratio
Unlike broader classifications such as strains, using chemical varieties affords you more accuracy in describing the type of strain you take. After all, according to experienced cannabis users, the strain alone may not necessarily be the best classification for describing the effects you feel or experience.
Generally, the Sativa strain offers a more energizing high, while the Indica strain offers calming effects.
Sure, this description works if you are usually describing two different cannabis plant varieties. However, if you are looking for specific effects, this may not be enough. After all, even different subtypes of the same strain produce varying effects depending on their growth technique and chemical composition.
When choosing the perfect cannabis to purchase, don't only look at the type of strain. Instead, dig deeper into the description, and look for details such as the grower's procedure, dispensary, and chemical variety.
What About Terpenes?
Different cannabis plant types break down into specific chemical varieties or breeds. These chemical varieties differentiate between each other through cannabinoid and terpene content (also known as cannabinoid profiles).
The cannabinoid profile provides the user with the correct information about the chemovar and whether it works for them. The bottom line that is relying on the type of strain alone is old school and not enough. Instead, you want to focus on the profile and overall chemovar effects.
As mentioned above, the chemovar profile is affected by the terpene and cannabinoid content. So you must be asking yourself – what exactly are terpenes? Terpenes are the aromatic compounds in products such as essential oils. The aromatic compounds originate from the plant or herb from which the oils are squeezed or extracted.
Terpenes provide the aroma of flowers, fruits, herbs, or plants.
You can find terpenes in any plant that oil can come from – whether it's rose, lavender, pepper, or even cannabis. But, a single cannabis plant doesn't contain only one type of terpene. Instead, cannabis plants are packed with many different terpenes to create unique smells and flavors.
Different terpenes have varying smells and flavors – whether they are sweet, sour, savory, earthy, or spicy, to mention a few. In fact, cannabis experts have a developed and sophisticated palate that can differentiate different terpenes in a strain by simply smelling or tasting it.
Why Are Terpenes Important?
Terpenes play such an important role in cannabis that they even affect how you taste it and how you consume it.
For example, smoking, vaping, or making gummies with the same strain of cannabis will yield varying flavors and scents. This difference is influenced by how terpenes react with different factors such as temperature, combustion, and other related factors.
But let's not dwell on just how terpenes play a role in determining flavor and scent. Terpenes are an excellent resource for telling us more about a particular strain of cannabis plants. In addition to the taste and scent, terpenes may also affect how a plant interacts with your body.
For example, the terpenes in peppermint oil or lavender oil allow you to relax. Similarly, terpenes in cannabis also offer unique characteristics. According to research, terpenes influence the way cannabinoids such as THC and CBD interact as well. As stated already, there is a myriad of different terpenes in the cannabis plant, no matter the strain type. Common ones include;
● Linalool
Terpenes affect smell and flavor. Therefore, each type has its unique taste and scent profile. Packed with floral notes, linalool promotes relaxation and boosts your mood.
● Myrcene
Amongst the most common terpenes, myrcene boasts an herbal and earthy profile. It aids in anxiety relief and tackles symptoms of insomnia to improve sleep.
● Caryophyllene
Caryophyllene has a somewhat peppery and spicy note that aids in anxiety and stress relief and curbs the symptoms of depression. Similar to actual black pepper, the terpene also tackles symptoms of ulcers and improves digestion.
● Bisabolol
Bisabolol boasts notes of chamomile and tea tree. Like the plants which it resembles, bisabolol helps to reduce inflammation and irritation. The terpene also delivers antimicrobial properties and pain relief.
● Limonene
Limonene has a bright, crisp, and citrus profile believed to boost mood and reduce stress.
● Pinene
Pinene offers intense pine notes and is said to boost memory and reduce pain. Furthermore, pinene helps to counter some of the side effects of THC, such as nausea and poor coordination.
● Ocimene
Ocimene offers an herbal and fruity note combination of basil, parsley, and mango. Some of its key benefits include its antiviral and antibacterial properties.
● Eucalyptol
Boasting notes of eucalyptus and tea tree, eucalyptol provides a soothing, invigorating, and refreshing effect. Additionally, terpenes boast anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
● Terpinolene
Terpinolene boasts pleasant notes of apples, cumin, and conifers. Similar to eucalyptol, terpene boasts antibacterial and antifungal properties.
● Humulene
Packed with intense woody, earthy, and clove-like notes, humulene helps to tackle inflammation.
How Potent Do You Want Your Joints Or Edibles To Be?
Generally, Sativa has a higher THC content, which gives it its energizing and stimulating effects. Indica has a higher CBD level, which makes it more relaxing and sleep-promoting. Hybrid strains allow you to curate the CBD and THC levels based on your needs.
However, this information is only relevant if you want to understand the basics of each strain’s character. This information doesn’t necessarily tell you the potency you will enjoy with a joint or edible.
To decide, you have to consider all the information you've so far learned about the strains. You have to understand the strain, cannabinoid profile, and even the methods of consumption. Furthermore, when deciding the potency, you have to keep in mind what exact effect you are looking for.
For example, experienced weed users have a lineup of different terms to describe the effects they get from their weed. These include head high, body high, alertness, relaxed, clear-headed, hazy, hunger, relief, sleepiness, and happiness. You may experience just one of these effects or a combination of more than one, depending on the strain you used.
However, beyond the cannabinoid profiles and interactions, you have to think about the method of ingestion and how it affects the strain – in this case, smoking a joint and taking edibles. So, again, the potency is highly influenced by what you are looking for.
● Smoking A Joint
While you may use the same cannabis strain, its effects and potency vary based on how you use it. Smoking weed is the fastest way to enjoy its effects. When you smoke your weed, the smoke you inhale travels straight to the lungs, where it enters the bloodstream. This quick absorption makes it easier and faster to experience its effects.
Based on your chemical makeup and the strain you choose, a smoking high can last for up to six hours. Remember, no matter what strain you smoke, you will still experience a high effect. But, the intensity and the type of high vary based on the strain. For example, Sativa has a higher THC content than Indica strains. Thus, you will experience a much stronger high when you smoke Sativa strains.
Nonetheless, the type of high you experience will not be the same. While smoking comes with the benefit of allowing you to experience the high much faster, it poses risks such as cancer and other serious respiratory problems.
● Taking Edibles
Taking edibles is a different story. Cannabis edibles come in various forms ranging from gummies to cakes, brownies, and pretty much anything you can prepare at home. Unlike smoking, it takes time to achieve your high. The effects typically take between thirty minutes and two hours after you have eaten the edibles.
Similarly, they also boast long-lasting effects. It takes up to 12 hours after ingestion for the effects of edibles to wear off. Furthermore, unlike smoking, you don't have to eat many edibles to experience optimal potency. When you eat edibles, they travel down to your stomach to be digested and into the liver before the cannabis enters the bloodstream. You get a more robust and long-lasting high because the liver converts the THC in the cannabis to a stronger form of THC.
Thus, its effects become stronger once it hits the bloodstream. Taking edibles is much safer than smoking since you are not at risk of inhaling carcinogens and don’t get that irritating feeling in your throat and lungs due to smoking.
As seen above, different factors influence the effects you feel when you take your weed in various ways. For example, taking edibles gives a more potent and longer-lasting high due to the interactions between your liver and the cannabinoids. But, this is not the only factor that plays a role in determining the potency.
Other factors to consider include terpene and cannabinoid interactions. The combustion process the cannabis undergoes when you smoke weed also affects the potency, high strength, and longevity of the effects. The terpenes even affect how the weed smells and tastes. The same applies to when you consume edibles such as brownies.
More on Edible:
The science behind edibles
Which Strain Works Better For Which Method?
When it comes to deciding which strain is best for which method, the answer is complex. According to experienced cannabis users, Indica, Sativa, and hybrid strains are perfect for both smoking a joint and taking edibles. Instead, you want to familiarize yourself with the type of strain. After all, it's the quality of growing conditions and the terpene content that impact how well the song does.
● OG Kush
A hybrid strain, OG Kush is a popular strain for making edibles – most prominently cannabutter. In addition to its relaxing and calming effect, the strain feels light and breezy on your palate, making it an excellent go-to choice for many bakers.
● White Widow
A potent Indica strain, the White Widow leaves you with a euphoric, happy, and sleepy feeling after taking a few edibles – making it a perfect addition to any sweet treat. Pair it with those quiet movie nights or a couple of reads before you sleep, and you will have a relaxing and soothing night.
● Skywalker Strain
The Skywalker strain is a popular hybrid strain – with a predominantly Indica strain. It gives you a quick high – which makes it a great sleep aid. Mixed into baked goodies such as brownies or cakes, the edibles complement your sweet treat with their rich and fruity flavor. It goes perfectly well with blueberry, cinnamon, or vanilla-type goodies.
While it gives you a quick relaxing high, its small amounts of Sativa strains help counter the overwhelming effects for more balance – you don't have to lose the perfect relaxing effect just because confusion is kicking in! But due to its impressively soothing and relaxing effect, you certainly want to take it slow on the servings to avoid lapsing into a deep sleep.
● Super Lemon Haze
A predominantly Sativa hybrid strain, the Super Lemon Haze boasts a rich flavor of lemons, just like its name suggests. Thanks to the vibrant lemon flavor profile, the strain is perfect for making a joint – leaving you with lingering zingy bursts after taking a few puffs.
However, the flavor is not all you will enjoy from the strain. It also offers a refreshing and energizing effect with every puff you take. Its rich lemon flavor also makes it a great accompaniment to baked goods such as pies and cakes – for those who want to take the edible route!
● Green Crack
A Sativa strain, Green Crack offers an energizing effect and is a perfect option for those who are just starting to smoke weed as it adjusts to your rhythm. As you smoke, you will enjoy the wonderful effects of myrcene, pine, and caryophyllene – giving you a blend of herbal, earthy, pine, and peppery spice notes. However, while it does work for some palates, the flavor profile isn't the best option for edibles.
● Granddaddy Purple
A popular sleeping strain, the Granddaddy Purple strain is perfect for smoking a joint too. Integrating a blend of purple urkle and big bud, the purple herbs are perfect for smokers thanks to the slow sedative high they induce. They also boast the earthy and pine evergreen flavor notes of myrcene, pinene, and caryophyllene – an accurate and natural representation of ganja!
● Blue Dream
A hybrid strain, the Blue Dream combines relaxing and morale-boosting effects to give you an overall good feeling. The strain is also perfect for smokers who have a sweet tooth and those who have an eye for the finer things in life - combining terpene notes of sweet berry and blueberry.
How Are You Going To Use The Strain And How Much Will You Use?
Undoubtedly, people opt for these three strains due to their varying properties.
For example, if you want to enjoy daytime smoking and get energizing effects, the Sativa strain is what you need.
On the other hand, if you want to relax at night and even sleep easily, the Indica strain is perfect.
The hybrid strains cater to different needs, allowing you to receive the targeted effects you are looking for. Nonetheless, the properties do not determine the potency of your weed or how much you will need.
Instead, you want to look at individual subtypes of strains to determine this. You also want to consider how you will take your weed and the effects you want to achieve.
One thing that remains constant is that if you are a beginner, you want to cap your servings. Don't start by taking too much, as your body may still not be able to handle a lot.
Comparing Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid strains is one step further to have sound knowledge of different cannabis plants.
This information also gives you the right essential tools for picking the right strain for the proper purpose and effects you want to achieve.
Nonetheless, distinguishing between the three stains alone may not be enough information to pick the ideal strain for your needs. You still have to think of other vital information, such as the chemical varieties and interactions of specific strains – talk to your seller or budtender if you need more assistance with particular sub-strains!