Dream Board: 2018 Edition

What is a Dream Board?
A dream board is a board you create that you see all of the time with pictures symbolizing all the realistic goals/dreams you and/or your business wish to accomplish for that year. Make sure you hang it in either your room or an office to ensure that it's something you will see every day.
Why make a Dream Board and how to does it work?
Ever hear of the belief, "Law of Attraction"? The dream board works similar to this philosophical belief of when you focus on positive or even negative thoughts, you bring it to life. Thoughts become things, so if you see it in your mind on a daily basis, it will eventually happen.
Supplies you will need to make a Dream Board:
Making a dream board is relatively cheap and may only take just a couple hours of your time. All you need is a foam board, some tape, the pictures that symbolize your dreams and an inspirational quote to add right in the middle of your board. We will give you an example of the AirVape Dream Board and what each image represents.
AirVape Dream Board: 2018 Edition
One of the items on our list is that we want to be the best portable vaporizer of 2018 and to come out with the X Shell case protector. As most of you know, we have just recently come out with our newest portable vape pen model, the AirVape X. Although the AirVape X has a new magnetic upgraded mouthpiece to keep the unit in tact, the X Shell provides a smell proof feature and protects your dry herb vaporizer for on the go and the Shell water resistant while at the beach or at a pool party event.
Also, we are looking to add one more hardworking team player to our AirVape Customer Support Team. Apollo AirVape is known to have the best Customer Support Team in the industry and we're eager to take our Support to the next level for 2018 by extending our normal business hours during the week AND on the weekend.
Another item on our dream board is to maintain the title as the thinnest vaporizer on the market. The AirVape X loose-leaf vape is the perfect, portable pocket fit and elegantly matched to any outfit.
Help us reach 10,000 Followers on Instagram - @airvapeusa and let's keep #AirVaping trending! Hashtag #AirVaping to a post of you with your AirVape and get a *FREE* AirVape Accessory!
Notice the UPGRADE image? That one is to remind all of our existing AirVape Owners qualify for a 50% OFF upgrade towards our newest vape, the AirVape X!
Email cs@airvapeusa.com for more details!
And did you also notice a few blank spots?
That's because we have some hidden surprises for you this year, stay tuned AirVapers!