Smoking weed during the coronavirus: Safety, social distancing and what you should do

Smoking weed during the coronavirus: Safety, social distancing and what you should do
We’d suggest using CBD products to help improve the functioning of your body in various different ways: it stimulates your muscles, is a wonderful antioxidant, helps with depression, anxiety and panic attacks, which is something we’d wager is going to become a little more common.

How loose leaf affects your sleep cycle and dreams

How loose leaf affects your sleep cycle and dreams

According to several studies done in the United States, approximately 70-80 million Americans suffer from some sleep-related disorders; from insomnia and sleep apnea to terrible nightmares due to trauma, leading to sleepless nights and sleep paralysis as well. Loose-leaf isn’t...

Effects that vaping bleach and other disinfected chemicals have on your body

Effects that vaping bleach and other disinfected chemicals have on your body

Have you heard about the new trend going around? Vaping bleach and other disinfected chemicals. I know what you are thinking, who came up with this idea? Recently, a talk radio caller proposed a possible treatment for the coronavirus, vaping...

Which Marijuana Compound Is More Beneficial: THC or CBD

Which Marijuana Compound Is More Beneficial: THC or CBD

What Is Marijuana? Marijuana is often confused for Cannabis, so much so that some people confidently use the two terms interchangeably. However, marijuana is simply one of the variants of the cannabis plant.  Cannabis is a genus that comprises several...

What are Terpenes (AKA Terpenoids), what is their increasing role in Cannabis?

What are Terpenes (AKA Terpenoids), what is their increasing role in Cannabis?

For many people, loose leaf is just a plant that gets people high and lazy and serves to be a minor annoyance (or a minor benefit) in their lives and they don’t give it much thought. The bustling legal cannabis...

Best 7 at home activities for Coronavirus quarantine

Best 7 at home activities for Coronavirus quarantine

Corona Virus definitely caught many countries off guard, resulting to lockdown and if you’re not a homebody, staying at home is going to be very challenging. So, we have listed some things you may do at home to keep yourself...

How do we stop feeding CORONAVIRUS?

How do we stop feeding CORONAVIRUS?

auWhat exactly is COVID-19? Covid-19 is a zoonotic coronavirus that probably originated from Wuhan, China. Coronaviruses are a specific subset of virus that uses RNA instead of DNA as their genetic material. They’re covered in spikes on the surface of...

Not getting as high as you want? Here’s how to get higher using these tricks

Not getting as high as you want? Here’s how to get higher using these tricks
You may find yourself wondering how to get higher when smoking marijuana if you're a seasoned Cannabis-lover or just start out. How to Get Really High from Smoking Weed ?

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