Cannabis in sports? Benefits you should know about

Cannabis in sports? Benefits you should know about

Cannabis in sports? History, Changing Landscape and benefits for athletes   It’s no secret that public opinion about cannabis is shifting, with over 60% of the US population believing that it should be legalized or at least decriminalized. However, sports largely seem...

Smoking etiquette

Smoking etiquette

Smoking etiquette: What is it and why you should follow it   There are several instances in our daily lives where we encounter unwritten rules that are meant to be followed because they’re commonly accepted to be good manners/etiquette. Standing...

Micro-dosing loose leaf

Micro-dosing loose leaf

Micro-dosing loose leaf: What is it, whether it works and its benefits/drawbacks   The cannabis industry is booming and public opinion for it is on the rise: 61% of Americans are in support of legalizing loose leaf. With an increasing...

Cannabis Extracts and Concentrates: Differences, types and uses

Cannabis Extracts and Concentrates: Differences, types and uses

Cannabis Extracts and Concentrates: Differences, types and uses Cannabis extracts have slowly but steadily gained in popularity among recreational and medical users. While oil-based extracts seem to be the most popular and commonly used forms of loose leaf, cannabis extracts...

The science behind edibles and how they compare to vaping

The science behind edibles and how they compare to vaping

The science behind edibles and how they compare to vaping:  pros, cons and why vaping is better In the growing consumption frenzy of loose leaf, it’s easy to get lost in all the various ways to use the dry herb...

Parts Of A Vape Pen

Parts Of A Vape Pen

We are gonna tell you everything you need to know about how vape pens work. Vape Battery The power source of the vape pen is the battery. It is what gives the vaporizer power to heat your dry herbs, oils, and...

Six Herb Vaporizer Types

Six Herb Vaporizer Types

Six Herb Vaporizer Types   We can inhale herbs more healthily with electronic devices called vaporizers. They use chambers to steam or burn substances. The heat comes from a metal or ceramic heating element to create vapor that looks like...

How to grow loose-leaf at home

How to grow loose-leaf at home

How to grow loose-leaf at home The loose-leaf market is exploding in the states it is legal in. With over $6 Billion dollars in sales in the legal market, the dry herb is doing very well for consumers and also the...

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